
What is HALO™?

Halo™ by Sciton is the first and only hybrid fractional laser that effectively delivers both ablative and non-ablative wavelengths to particular treatment areas while offering maximum results and reduced downtime. This unique system allows Halo™ to provide separate treatments for the top layer of skin, which heals relatively quickly, and the dermis (deep levels of skin), which improves slowly over time.

Halo™ combines versatility and tenability for the ultimate choice in customizable treatments. After a few treatments of Halo™, patients can see an improvement in many skin concerns, including uneven skin tone, sun damage, visible signs of aging, discoloration, and enlarged pores.

Am I a good candidate for HALO™ ?

If you are considering two to three separate cosmetic laser treatments to correct various facial skin issues, you may be a good candidate for treatment with a hybrid fractional laser. This is particularly true if you are looking to correct both superficial facial skin issues (such as fine lines or superficial skin discoloration) and deeper concerns (such as acne scars or uneven skin tone), which will require both non-ablative and ablative laser techniques. This type of laser treatment may also be an excellent option if you cannot afford to take an excessive amount of time away from work, school, or home responsibilities, such as child care.

The older you get, the more damage that you will notice on your face. A hybrid factional laser may allow you to address damage at both the surface and deeper levels of your facial skin, with less healing time and better overall results.

What is the recovery from HALO™ ?

Swelling and redness is common and expected after treatment. The area may also feel extremely warm for 12-24 hours after your treatment. Cold compresses will help calm the warmth in your skin and help reduce swelling. When leaving the office you will look like you’ve been in the sun a bit too long but you can resume your normal business day. Make-up can be applied the day following your treatment.

On the second or third day after treatment, you will begin to notice tiny dark spots and a bronzed appearance to the treated skin. This is part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and have a sandpaper texture. It will begin to flake and peel. For the face, this can last 5-7 days. If the neck, chest or anywhere else on the body was treated, this process could take up to two weeks.

After the peeling process is complete, your skin will have a rosy, pink glow that will gradually resolve. Sunscreen is a MUST throughout the entire healing process. It should be applied daily beginning the day of treatment and used vigilantly for up to three months post procedure. A post op kit will be provided to you for cleansing and exfoliating the skin. Any post treatment discomfort may be relieved by over the counter oral pain relievers.

What will my results be like?

Patients will experience great improvement to the appearance of texture and pigment. They can expect amazing results in 1-2 treatments while older, non-hybrid technology often requires 5-6 treatments to demonstrate similar texture changes without approaching Halo™ in terms of pigment correction. The treatment is extremely comfortable, only a topical anesthetic is recommended (no nerve blocks), and patients can apply makeup within 24 hours of the procedure.

Primary treatments include:

  • Sun Damage/Dyschromia

  • Signs of Aging

  • Improve the appearance of Enlarged Pores

  • Discoloration

  • Improve the appearance of Fines Lines

  • Poor Texture

  • Improve the appearance of Light Scars

  • Uneven Tone

Halo™, can treat most skin types, on face and body. Popular off-face treatments include: neck, chest, arms, hands, legs and scarring.
